CLIENT: Lepaste


Mesilepa Honey

Making Your days extra sweet and deliciously healthy. Mesilepa Mesi is a young Estonian honey brand, born from a desire to make extra delicious honey for a honey enthusiasts family.

By the virtue of a dedicated care coming from the heart and the fertile and unpolluted fields of Southern Estonia, the honey is extra sweet, mellow and healthy.

Clean. Native. Bright.

The mellow, sweet and also refreshing taste of the organic honey together with its birthplace was our main inspiration for the brand. The goldenish yellow symbolises the golden colour of the honey and bees yellow stripe.

Meanwhile golden and white together with small blossoms give clues for Mesilepa honey location and the feeling we experienced while tasting it. Adding a vintage typewritten font gave the brand a final touch with earthly purity, creating a pure native feel to the brand.